I recently bought these black wide-leg jeans from Target. They are so cute to dress up for work or wear casually. Today I want to share how to wear black wide-leg jeans this fall!
Read moreHelping women love what they wear on a budget
by Katie H.
I recently bought these black wide-leg jeans from Target. They are so cute to dress up for work or wear casually. Today I want to share how to wear black wide-leg jeans this fall!
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This summer has been a little chaotic. Between traveling all through June and figuring out how to work on content while entertaining my kids while they are off school, it’s been hard to balance any normal routine. That’s why I decided to take a little break from documenting my outfits each day and start a series on Instagram where I highlighted my favorite easy mom summer outfits that I’ve been wearing.
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My family and I just got back from a 5-night cruise vacation to the Bahamas and Turks and Caicos. This was the second cruise that we have done as a family of 4. Cruising with kids is a little different than without, but we all had a great time. Today I want to share all my Bahamas cruise vacation outfits with you.
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One of my favorite series to do over on Instagram is called Pinterest Looks on a Budget. This is when I take an outfit that I have saved to one of my Pinterest boards and I recreate it with the budget-friendly clothes I own in my closet. I love sharing how to look stylish on a budget. That’s why I wanted to bring some of my favorite Pinterest looks over to the blog.
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Have you ever been told that you can’t wear navy and black together? Well, I’m here to tell you that you definitely CAN wear navy and black together! Today I’m going to be starting a series called Fashion Rules to Break. Throughout this series, I will be exploring some of the fashion rules that society has placed on us and share why you need to start breaking these rules to help elevate your style!
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There are so many fun pant styles to choose from at the moment, yet I find that so many women are holding themselves back from trying new styles because they are overthinking what type of shoes to pair with their pants. A few months back I covered what shoes to wear with straight-leg jeans, so today I want to continue that series and focus on what shoes to wear with cropped wide-leg pants.
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