My C-section Story
Some of you may or may not know that Jack was born via C-section. I don’t think that I have ever shared my story about it, besides touching on it a little in my birth story post (HERE), but I never shared the whole experience. Since April is Cesarean Awareness Month, I felt like it was the perfect time to open up about my experience with my C-section. It’s something that I’m not 100% comfortable sharing for all to read, but I want to share my story because 3 years ago as I recovered and got to know my newborn son, I was feeling very alone. I hope that in telling my story, it might bring some comfort to another new mom going through the same thing.
My labor with Jack started when my water broke 11 days before his due date. After not truly believing that I was in labor, I decided to hold off on going to the hospital until I started contractions. (Bad idea, don’t do this, but what can I say, I was a first-time mom.) My contractions started about 3 hours after my water broke and that’s when my husband and I headed to the hospital. I remember that drive to the hospital being extremely painful. It was something out of the movies. The contractions were strong and painful as soon as they started, and when I got to the hospital I learned that my labor was progressing very quickly. I was happy to hear that I could have an epidural as soon as they finished my blood work. It all seemed to go very quickly and before I knew it I was sitting comfortably with an epidural going through labor and waiting for my baby to arrive.
Finally, the nurse said it was time to start pushing. It started off slowly, but it started to get very intense after about an hour or so. No matter how hard I pushed, the baby was not coming down at all. It was so frustrating. The nurse had turned off my epidural, so I felt every contraction. After 3 hours of pushing, the nurse called my doctor and he said that the best option would for me to have a C-section. My other options were to possibly use a vacuum to help get the baby out, which all seemed very scary and traumatic for me and the baby. I didn’t want to have a c-section. I wanted a natural birth. I wanted to be the first person to hold my baby. I had this idea in my mind of what it would be like when the baby came out and c-section was not in that plan. I was also exhausted from pushing and in a lot of pain, so I took the doctor’s advice and went with the c-section. I was scared, but at the same time I was in so much pain, I barely thought about the whole idea of being cut open when I was awake.
I remember shaking uncontrollably on the table. The nurse told me that was normal and it was because of all the pushing. I was scared, but I just focused on my husband’s eyes. The nurses had him sitting across the room from me, I didn’t know why. I wanted him close to me, but looking at him just helped me stay calm and distract myself from the fact that I was being cut open while I was still awake. When I saw tears in his eyes I knew Jack was out. Then I heard the sweetest little cry ever. It comforted me to hear Jack and hear everyone in the room telling us what a beautiful baby he was. Finally, the nurse brought him over to me and we just looked at each other. I was too scared to move my arms so I just kissed him and told him I loved him. Kevin snapped this picture below of us which is one of my favorite pictures ever.
Practical Baby Gear
When it comes to buying baby/kid gear, I’d like to think that I’m a minimalist. I try to stick to only the necessities. When I made my baby registry back when I was pregnant with Jack, I tried to keep it to only the things that I would absolutely need. One item that I struggled with finding was a diaper bag. The diaper bag was the one item on our baby registry that caused a fight between my husband and me.
I wanted something practical, but I also wanted something that was cute that I could carry around. I completely forgot that my husband was going to be staying home with Jack half the week while I was working and he might want to use a diaper bag too. When we got the “cute” diaper bag in the mail as a gift my husband saw it and immediately vetoed it. His argument was that he was not going to carry around a “girly looking purse” diaper bag. Anyway, I ended up finding a simple black over the shoulder “gender-neutral” diaper bag for us to share. It worked fine and I carried it for about the first 6 weeks, then I just decided to throw everything in my purse when we went out, but we still used the black bag as his school diaper bag.
*This post is part of a collaboration with Birdrock Baby. All opinions are 100% my own. This post also contains affiliate links, which means by clicking on and/or making a purchase through a link, I will earn a commission for this blog. Thank you for your support!
Birdrock Baby is one of those small business that I love sharing, because they sell quality affordable baby products at a low price. Plus they give back. For every purchase you make from Birdrock Baby, they will donate a day’s worth of food for a child in need. Check them out on their website (HERE) or you can also find them on Amazon (HERE), which is perfect if you are putting together an Amazon Baby Registry!!

A New Year, A New Beginning
Happy New Year everyone!! I haven’t been spending much time blogging lately, because to be honest, I just haven’t been feeling it. It’s been really hard to keep up with my blog and social media the last few months and I started feeling like I needed to take a break. I don’t like to post things when my heart is not into it. That’s why I have just been only posting when I feel like it, instead of forcing myself to write up a blog post or post on Instagram just because I feel like I have to.
Today I just wanted to take a minute and look back on 2018. 2018 was a challenging year for me personally, but I am proud of my successes from the year too! It’s been hard for me to balance my family life, work-life and keep up with my blog that I truly love having for myself. Even though I’ve been disappointed with my growth lately, I really have to take a moment and appreciate how far my little blog has come this year. I’ve put out tons of new outfit posts, joined rewards style, worked with some really great brands and met some new blogging friends. It’s been so much fun to connect with other women who share the same interests as me and collaborate with them! I am also extremely grateful to all of you who follow along with me through my blog, Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook or however you found me. THANK YOU!! I use to be afraid to share my blog thinking I wasn’t good enough or no one would want to read it. Now not only do I write this blog for me, I write it to share it and inspire all of you!
Here is a little round-up of some of my personal favorite outfit posts from my Instagram this year, plus my favorite mommy and me picture with Jack!
I’m really looking forward to this year and seeing everything pan out over the next few months. I guess I can say that overall this year my main goals are to stress less and focus more on my family.
What are your 2019 goals?
Below are some of my favorite purchases from 2018!

5 Things I Didn’t Know About Motherhood Before I Became a Mom
It’s hard to believe that in a few short months, I will have a 3-year-old. Time is flying by. I absolutely love being a mom. Jack is my pride and joy. He makes me so happy, but it’s not always easy being a mom. When I look back on my pre-baby life, it seemed so easy. I sometimes question what I did with myself back then. Today I want to talk about what I didn’t know about motherhood before I became a mom. It seems like everyone tells you things about what it’s like, but you never really know what it’s like until you live it for yourself. Here are the things that I didn’t know about.
*This post contains affiliate links, which means by making a purchase through a link, I will earn a commission for this blog. Thank you for your support!
PHOTO CREDIT: Chasity Jean Photography
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Graphic T-shirt Love with Top Crate
*This post is part of a collaboration with Top Crate. As always my opinions are 100% my own. This post also includes affiliate links. By making a purchase through a link, I will make a commission for this blog. Thank you for your support!
I was recently contacted by Top Crate to see if I wanted to try out some of their t-shirts. I don’t say yes to every opportunity that comes my way, but when I saw their selection of graphic tees, I immediately said yes. Top Crate has a graphic T-shirt for everyone. From holiday theme shirts to food theme shirts, they have them all. You can never have enough graphic tee’s and that’s why Top Crate is perfect for graphic t-shirt lovers. They have a subscription box that you can sign up for. You will receive a box every month with 2 t-shirts that fit your personality and lifestyle. You can choose to sign up for 3 months, 6 months or 1 year. I always love a company that gives back, so I was happy to see that for every subscription box, Top Crate donates a T-shirt to a local women’s shelter. You can read more about Top Crate HERE!
T-shirt (EXACT) || Jacket (EXACT) || Leggings (SIMILAR) || Shoes (EXACT)
My next t-shirt is from Top Crate’s Fall collection. Thankful and Blessed. I think this shirt is the perfect shirt to wear around Thanksgiving. I can’t wait to pair it with a cute plaid button-down as the weather cools off. One thing I forgot to mention about these T-shirts is how comfortable the material is. The shirts are nice quality, lightweight and they fit perfectly. I went with a small and it fits very true to size.

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