Here are some of my looks from the week…
What I Wore- Postpartum Style
I feel like no one ever talks about what to wear after you have a baby. It’s easy to find cute maternity looks on blogs, but why doesn’t anyone ever talk about postpartum fashion? There is a lot to take into consideration when you are dressing your postpartum body. I knew that I’d probably want to wear comfortable clothes after my baby was born, but I didn’t really give it a whole lot of thought. Basically, my stomach is still pretty mushy, I’m still wearing a belly band to help put my stomach back together, and then there are the challenges of dressing for breastfeeding. I’ve pretty much been wearing leggings with long loose-fitting tops that are easy accesses for nursing. I’ve also worn some maxi dresses that are comfortable and are also easy for nursing. I’ve basically been wearing the same clothes that I wore while I was pregnant. Now they’re nice and lose fitting, perfect for dressing my postpartum body.
Here are some of the outfits that I wore last week.