Happy New Year everyone!! I haven’t been spending much time blogging lately, because to be honest, I just haven’t been feeling it. It’s been really hard to keep up with my blog and social media the last few months and I started feeling like I needed to take a break. I don’t like to post things when my heart is not into it. That’s why I have just been only posting when I feel like it, instead of forcing myself to write up a blog post or post on Instagram just because I feel like I have to.
Today I just wanted to take a minute and look back on 2018. 2018 was a challenging year for me personally, but I am proud of my successes from the year too! It’s been hard for me to balance my family life, work-life and keep up with my blog that I truly love having for myself. Even though I’ve been disappointed with my growth lately, I really have to take a moment and appreciate how far my little blog has come this year. I’ve put out tons of new outfit posts, joined rewards style, worked with some really great brands and met some new blogging friends. It’s been so much fun to connect with other women who share the same interests as me and collaborate with them! I am also extremely grateful to all of you who follow along with me through my blog, Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook or however you found me. THANK YOU!! I use to be afraid to share my blog thinking I wasn’t good enough or no one would want to read it. Now not only do I write this blog for me, I write it to share it and inspire all of you!
Here is a little round-up of some of my personal favorite outfit posts from my Instagram this year, plus my favorite mommy and me picture with Jack!
I’m really looking forward to this year and seeing everything pan out over the next few months. I guess I can say that overall this year my main goals are to stress less and focus more on my family.
What are your 2019 goals?
Below are some of my favorite purchases from 2018!

January first. That's as good a goal as any! I'm with you this year. Many goals, but small steps – because balance is so important and can be hard to find! Wishing you all the best and glad to be following along! <3