Last year, we were exploring option # 2, and it almost happens. My husband went to Dubai for a job interview last April, it came really close for us. The job offered great pay and benefits, but it didn’t end up happening. He got cut in the final stages of the interview. We were disappointed, but at the same time, I was relieved. I wanted him to get the job, but I also wanted what was right for us. At the time I thought that job was the answer. Now, I feel that it didn’t happen for a reason.
A few months later, he interviewed for another job in Dubai. This time it was a corporate pilot job, which is very different than airline flying. He turned it down. Even though it offered great pay, the schedule wasn’t great and the job was too unstable for us to make that huge move. After we made that decision, he had another corporate job interview. This time it was in Macau, China. Initially, he didn’t get the job, but months later we woke up to an e-mail asking him when he could start. It caught us off guard. We had already accepted that we would be staying in the United States, but it was a great job opportunity, we didn’t want to shoot it down too fast. In the end, he turned down the job. It came down to what we wanted for our future. What would make us happy? Would we be happy not having to worry about money and living in China or living frugally in America? We did a lot of thinking, but in the end, we decided we are happy here and we can wait for the airline industry to get better.
I know that we never ended up moving, but that doesn’t mean that it wasn’t hard to make these decisions. I learned a lot about Dubai and Macau. It has definitely opened my mind to new things. A couple years ago, I would of never said I would move to the Middle East. But now, I can honestly say that I would with the right job.
Even though it’s not always easy to be married to a pilot, I wouldn’t change it! I feel that we have a stronger marriage because of it. Even though we have had to struggle with money in order for us to both pursue our careers, it has been worth it. There is so much more to life than money.
I love my pilot and I’m so happy that I get to spend my life with him.
Things happen for a reason! We played around with so many of those same ideas… moving abroad just wasn't going to work for us though. My husband doesn't like telling people he's a pilot, because then all of those questions come next. He'll usually say something along the lines of "I work for an airline" and then he'll tell if they ask further questions. It's funny how people perceive being a pilot as such a glamorous thing when it's not quite that way in real life.