Next week I’m going to be making another trip home to Michigan for my Christmas break. I’m excited, but of course, overwhelmed thinking about it all. It’s always stressful traveling around the holidays. My husband is going to be flying our flight, which I’m very excited about, but it also means that I’m on my own with our crazy 2-year-old. The hardest part about traveling by myself with a toddler is the amount of stuff we have to bring. His car seat, stroller, luggage, toys to entertain him… it’s a lot. I haven’t really mastered how to travel with a kid and look like one of those cool put together moms I see on Instagram. I’m always an over-packer because I hate leaving my wardrobe behind. The last time I traveled home, I learned my lesson that less is more. That’s why on this trip home, I’m going to try and travel light. As light as I possibly can. That’s why I started planning what I was going to pack for my trip weeks ago. I’m hoping this will help me when the actual travel day comes along.
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These are all such cute options!! Thanks for sharing and Happy Holidays!
xoxo, Candace (