Hi Friends! It’s been a while since I last posted here on the blog, so today I wanted to catch up with a little life update. The last couple of months have been so crazy, I can’t even remember the last time I sat down at my computer to write a post, so here is what is new with me.
New House
If you follow along with me on Instagram you already know that my family and I just moved into our new house. We bought the house this past summer (Related post: We Are Moving… Again!) and we have been waiting for it to be built so we can move in. It’s been a fun process to watch the whole project come together, but it’s been a lot of work. We underestimated the amount of work that would go into buying a new construction home.
The whole moving process was a nightmare. Every time we move, I always say that we are never moving on our own again. Next time we will get movers, but then we compare the prices and always end up doing it ourselves. Luckily my in-laws helped us on moving day, but we still had the kids, which made that one of the longest and hardest days of my life. The good news is that it’s a distant memory now. We are all moved in and getting settled into our new house and we are loving it!
The house is perfect for our family and I can’t wait to watch all the projects we plan to do come together. Right now we are focusing on getting blinds, irrigation, a yard, landscaping, and a deck. (It’s a lot!) We also plan on putting in a backsplash in the kitchen with some shelves and adding light fixtures, but we will be taking our time on getting those things done. For now, I am just focusing on the little things. I’ve been organizing all the rooms and I am working on getting my home office furnished. I am excited to share some posts as all these home projects come together over time.
New Blog
Besides our move, I have held off on blog posts because I have made a little change here at thriftywifehappylife.com. It’s probably not that noticeable for you as a reader, but it’s a big change for me. I finally switched my blog over from Blogger blog to WordPress.org. This is something that I have been wanting to do for years. When I first started my blog, I wanted a free platform so I went with blogger or BlogSpot, which is through Google. I never had any problems with blogger, but it was at times limiting to the things that I want to do with my blog. It also is a free platform, which means that you don’t own your site. Even though I did find Google to be a reliable blogging website, I wanted more.
I have been dreading making this change for years now. I have so many years of blog posts that I didn’t want to lose. I also wanted to do it all myself. I looked into hiring a web designer, but the prices were so high, I couldn’t afford anyone at this time. I decided this year was going to be the year that I was going to make the change and have my blog self-hosted. With all the big life changes going on, I figured I might as well do it now.
The blog is not perfect, and there are still some designs I would like to change, but for now, it’s at a point I can work with. Even though it was a huge project to take on myself, I am proud of myself for making the change on my own. Thank goodness for Google, YouTube, and the customer service people at my hosting site! One thing that I have learned through blogging is that none of us bloggers actually know what we are doing. We are all learning as we go. If you have ever considered starting a blog but are intimated by the technical side of things or anything else holding you back, don’t let anything stop you. If I can do it, you can do it!
What’s Next?
So what’s next for Thrifty Wife Happy Life? Like I said at the beginning of this year as I set my goals for 2022, I plan to keep doing what I am doing. I love the direction my blogging journey is going in. I am continuing to grow and build an amazing community of women. I feel like I am able to reach more women than ever through my blog and social media. Here on the blog, I plan to continue to share style tips, affordable outfit ideas, motherhood, and a beauty post here and there. I also plan on sharing a few home posts. I was debating how much of my house I wanted to share because I am not a home decor blogger. I always joke that I am missing the Joanna Gaines gene that other girls have, but I do love sharing my journey through life. This house is my new project on my life journey, so the same way I shared my pregnancy/ postpartum journies, I will also share my home-owning journey. And of course, my projects are all going to be budget-friendly!
As always, thank you to all of you for your continued support! It means so much to me! I received so many kind words from people during this whole moving process and it means a lot! Look for more posts soon!

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