I promise that one of these days I will get back to my normal outfit posts and thrifty tips, but as of right now my life is revolving around my new baby. It has been kind of a crazy couple of weeks at home with our little guy. Time feels like it’s flying by, but I also feel like things are standing still.
It’s such a weird feeling when you bring a new baby home. I know that people have told me that the first few weeks with a newborn are hard, but I think I just chose to ignore them. I think the most challenging thing for me has been trying to recover from my c-section while caring for Jack. Luckily, I’ve had a lot of help. I feel better than I did a week ago and I’m starting to feel more and more like myself each day, but I’m not perfect yet.
It definitely feels weird not being pregnant anymore. As much as I hated being pregnant, I miss it, if that makes any sense at all. I hated how uncomfortable I felt and how huge I was, but I miss having my baby with me all the time and feeling him move around. It’s a weird feeling actually holding him in my arms, knowing that he used to be inside me.
Even though having a newborn has some challenges with the lack of sleep, the poopy diapers, breastfeeding and all the other things that come with having a new baby, it’s still one of the most wonderful feelings that I’ve ever had. I’m overwhelmed with happiness when I look at Jack. I can’t believe that I’m his mom and I grew him for 9 months. It’s pretty amazing. I love this newborn stage, but I look forward to watching him grow and getting to know him more every day.
Here are a few pictures of my little angle.